Global impact

At GOAL 3, we believe that it is time for change! Read more about the impact we made and want to make in the future!

It is time for change!

The right to health is universal. Every person should have access to healthcare. Therefore, it is unacceptable that billions of people do not have access to adequate healthcare and every year millions die from treatable conditions. Fighting this injustice is what motivates us and what keeps us up at night. If we want to address this need successfully, we need to work smart and we need to work together. And we know we are not alone. All over the world there are health workers fighting for their patients, even in the most challenging settings. These people are essential in getting patients the care they need and deserve.

The impact we make

Sustainable development GOAL 3

GOAL 3 is a social enterprise named after Sustainable Development GOAL 3 (SDG 3). This is one of the 17 sustainable goals of the United Nations to draw attention to the world’s biggest challenges. SDG 3 focuses specifically on good health and well-being. With subgoal 3.2 aimed at reducing (preventable) child mortality. We named our company after SDG 3 as a tribute and a mission statement, advocating and innovating for good health and well-being worldwide.

The impact

Via the IMPALA monitor we are making an impact on improving the efficiency of care. Our results from our first pilot in St. Lukes Hospital, Malawi, show a reduction in mortality by 61.7% in the pediatric ward (P-value 0.05), and a 26% reduction in admission time (P-value 0.09). Our analysis reveals that the costs per life-year saved is approximately $5 which makes the IMPALA system a highly cost-effective solution.

Actions speak louder than words

Since we started we have achieved the following results:
Hours of admission time saved
Patients received improved care
Health workers put in control


Health workers put in control



What we stand for

Achieve more with less

Our solution save lives, time and costs by enabling early detection, risk-stratification and data-driven decision making.


Context and needs-based

Our design is durable and fit-for-purpose. It is developed in Africa with end-users, key opinion leaders and other stakeholders.


Holistic and integrated solution

We provide a plug-and-play solution that is guaranteed to work and deliver value thanks to our full service model.


Health Workers at the center

By putting health workers and the work they do central, we provide intuitive eHealth tools that fit seamlessly with the workflow.


Continuously innovating

By generating insights from data and adding new functions and features we boost performance and enable quality improvement.


End-to-end services

We offer a wide range of added services to support hospitals from the beginning to the end. Services including consultancy, implementation support, training, and maintenance.


Proof of concept


After 18 months in the pediatric ward in St Luke's Hospital in Malawi and 12 months in the Neonatal Ward in Sengerema Tanzania, the IMPALA system has proved its potential to be one of the most cost-effective solutions to saving lives in the world. We calculated the cost per life saved using IMPALA is between 100-250$, making it potentially up to 20x more cost-effective than leading global health interventions.

Download Cost-Effectiveness Calculations  

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Ballistography study

Ballistography (BSG) is a non-intrusive and low cost alternative to electrocardiography for heart rate monitoring in infants. We did a study with the aim to estimate heart rate from a bed-based pressure mat ballistography signal using a deep learning approach. Download the full study via the button.

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Paediatric scores

Patient deterioration scores (PDS) are objective assessment tools to identify patients at risk of clinical deterioration. Use of PDS has been shown to reduce mortality and critical events in high-resource settings. We conducted interviews with healthcare workers to gain insights into the current use and usability of PDS in low-resource settings. Download the full research via the button.

Download paediatric scores

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Latest news & projects

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